Scott Baumberger is and has been a freelance

rogram .We all know to be photoshop,
"I find too often that computer generated illustrations lack
the life of warmth of a traditional rendering.While my tools and end product are digital ,I focus my efforts on bringing a hand drawn , water colou
r quality to my illustration .To do this I have created a flow that relies more hea
vily on photoshop than on features within rendering programs .

(This may give other program specifically created for the rendering of architectural a run down, and cause a bad name, due to them being specific toward the need of an architechtual illustrator )

Light scape and Powercad are two programs wich are also architectural randering programs.http://www.squidoo.com/architectural-rendering-software
I think this is amazing,Finding information on a hand skilled illustrator.On a move into technology , because he is using a tool at our fingertips, which we are adventuring into every day and gives more reason to be able to master the program and create a profession ,It is a personal touch which has been made broadened ,made efficient and almost been improved for it .

The efficiency of the program as well as the consistantcy what has lead Scott into using it amongst other programs and Tecniques.
"The work flow not only creates beautiful imagery, it can also incorporate small revisions and additions."
The main focus of the illustrator is to create a
finished ,detailed illustration of a proposed construction within a street , city scape , wherever the property is situate. This finished illustration is beneficial throughout many areas of the project , Letting designers ,the public, tenants , communities , faculties , anyone who is involved within the process.Have a good look at what there in for and the finished product .
Having new buildings , high rises being subjected into a historic place or venue of importance is a major issue within councils as well as community .

Creating a architectural design illustration .With great graphic detail and the historic buildings within is always an efficient as well as a powerful ploy to approach these negative issues , With knowledge off the photoshop program and elusive illustrative skills, Scott explains how using lighting and colours to create a special mood at a precise point in time can be very persuasive and powerful within the illustration.
Although Photoshop seems the only hero within the illustration there is a little distance it has to travel before it gets the delicate touches of Scott. Sketches and working from plans from the architecht is usual the begining . From this a 3d model for the new tower /building is built in auto cad this model and a other models of surrounding buildings are imported into Vue D'Esprit, to create several viewpoint discussions , "I use Vue D'Esprit for the project for the standard glass materials ,and atmospherically effect they are quick and nice and I can create a base rendering quick and efficiently ."
Creating such a realistic proportional city scape or building , with such colour and light must be so rewarding . As well as having such options on a computer , to watch the process come from a sketch , I wonder what its like after creating such an illustration and being involve throughout the project and seeing it , in reality in the end . Rewarding to say the least
Other architechtural illustrators;

“My job is to paint a picture of projects while they are still on the drawing board, but I specialize in using traditional approaches with digital media that convey the poetry and atmosphere of each project.” – Robert Frank
Howard digital illustrations

Infomation areas http://www.howardmodels.com/Architectural-Illustrations/index.html

I can see why this would interest you Luke - possible future career for you, reminds me of your detailed illustrations meshed with your knowledge of carpentry.