Digital Eskimo is a Sydney based design agency whose main interest is in co-creating social & environmental change with its various clients.
The founder, Dave Gravina, sees it as unfortunate that despite good intentions designers often end up contributing to social and environmental problems because in practice they primarily support the consumer capitalism system responsible for these problems.
(This would include problems such as excess waste, excess consumption, poor self-esteem, etc)
Digital Eskimo represents another approach where designers can help clients re-imagine their business models and their relationship with the broader community and ultimately affect real transformational change in the world. Gravina sees design professionals and their unique problem solving skills as key players in addressing societies most challenging problems.
"There is enormous potential for us to redesign the world in a way that benefits the planet. And we can do this while creating untold opportunities for our clients and our own practices."
In choosing the name Digital Eskimo they hoped to represent the harnassing of the power of modern technology (Digital) with ancient humanist principles (Eskimo)

Digital Eskimo’s work includes a broad mix of innovation, strategy and research projects for a range of NGO, arts and business clients. Career highlights include the award winning ‘Your Rights at Work’ and ‘Message In a Bottle’ campaigns for the ACTU and Amnesty International respectively.

In 2007 the grassroots ‘Raise The Bar’ campaign, co-founded by David and designed at Digital Eskimo, was pivotal in successfully replacing draconian liquor licensing laws in NSW.

For a G8 Summit on Climate change they designed a series of banners highlighting peoples personal observations and experiances about Climate change.
Digital eskimo is currently collaborating on The Change Agent Project" which aims to support designers who want to apply their creative problem solving skills to a much broader array of problems than the industry has tended to work on to date." This is a new project and their is not much information available about it online as yet.
An interview with Digital Eskimo founder and more information on The Change Agent project:
way cool! dream job working for them!! (or similar studio)