Ironically, the computer revolution has not decreased our use of paper as was predicted when computers began to appear in our homes and businesses. Instead, the demand for paper products has skyrocketed over the last 20 years. In the U.S. alone, per capita consumption of paper and paperboard exceeds 800 pounds each year which places enormous strain on forests that take decades to recover.
Well kids, today I would like to talk to you about guilt free paper consumption and look at a few of the innovative solutions people are coming up with out there. Now that's bound to put a smile on every echo friendly, environmentally conscious, tree loving/hugging designers face.
Some of the things I stumbled upon out there might just suprise you.
Lets start with Australian Paper...
This year in response to customer demand, Australian Paper has introduced seven new carbon neutral grades that will be widely available through a range of new distribution partnerships. The stocks, which range from virgin paper to 100 per cent recycled, are supplied as completely carbon neutral and are certified under the Federal Department of Climate Change Greenhouse Friendly programme.
In July 2010 Australian Paper also launched its Sustainable Paper Guide, which aims to provide end users, printers and designers with information on sustainable paper choices. The guide includes a sustainable paper checklist to help users assess different products and make an informed choice.
Check out the websites they are very accessible and really funky (Not so much Autralian paper) you can even order free samples with some.

Australian Paper is Australia’s largest manufacturer of fine papers for print and office applications and also produces high quality packaging papers. Australian Paper employs over 1,400 Australians and supplies more than 500,000 tonnes of product within Australia and around the world.

‘K.W. Doggett Fine Paper’ is an independent, family owned paper merchant specialising in creative paper solutions for both the print and design market.

Spicers Paper claim to offer Australia’s largest product range in coated and specialty papers from 11 facilities across Australia. Spicers Paper have connections across a range of industries and end users, including print, design, corporate and government Initiatives such as education programmes for industry and their clients.

Dalton Paper is another Australian paper supplier. Dalton Paper has a long history in Australia and joined the PaperlinX group in 2000. They provide many different kinds of paper including specialty paper, coated and uncoated paper, packaging and stationery paper.
Poo Paper... yep that' s what i said POO!!!
Elephant poo paper
Some facts about Elephant poo paper...
A portion of all sales of Elephant Poo Poo Paper products (that are perfect for gifts) goes to elephant welfare and conservation programs.
The paper is probably one of the most ecologically safe papers to make and use… Colours, if added, comprise of mostly vegetable and natural dyes. No bleach is used. The waste water is let out in cultivated fields close by... works as a great fertilizer.
The colour of the paper depends entirely on what he/ she eats, which depends on what season of the year it is. So, from June to September, since the elephants eat jowar (sorghum) and bajra (pearl millet), the paper is darker in colour. And for the rest of the year they eat sugarcane, the paper is lighter in colour.
This seems to be an idea that is taking off I found several sites
Roo Poo and Wombat poo paper
Sheep Poo paper

This is a really cute site fun
I love how they all consider themselves CREATIVE paper thinkers ... definitely thinking outside the box if you ask me.
Other paper...
Creative Paper Tasmania The concept for creative paper grew from Charles Turner, a paper chemist who had a passion for hand made paper. Creative paper began experimenting and specializing in making papers from a variety of waste products including:
denim jeans
waste cotton fibres
a range of plant fibres including hemp, cordyline, red hot poker
kangaroo Poo .
This has attracted interest from a range of businesses and Creative Paper has become the supplier of paper products to the Body Shop, Australian Geographic and The Cotton Shop.
Bamboo Paper
The Chinese have been making paper from bamboo for over 1,500 years but recent demand has grown considerably as consumers look for environmentally friendly products from renewable resources. Responding to the demand, paper manufacturers are introducing new bamboo paper products to the market that are comparable in strength, brightness, and printability to paper made from wood pulp.
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